July 3, 2018
- McKinsey: mckinsey.com/industries/high-tech/our-insights
- Harvard Business Review: hbr.org
- Darmesh Shaw, the founder of HubSpot: onstartups.com/
- Bureau of Digital: facebook.com/bureauofdigital
- Offscreen: offscreenmag.com/blog
- fast co: fastcompany.com
- Skift: skift.com/digital
- Wired: wired.com
- Boxes and Arrows: boxesandarrows.com
- A List Apart: alistapart.com/topics
- SaaS Growth Hackers: growthhackers.com/posts
Digital Service & Product Companies
- List of Digital Agencies: clutch.co
- Frog Design: designmind.frogdesign.com
- airbnb design: airbnb.design
- FINE: linkedin.com/company/fine-design-group/
- IBM iX: goo.gl/ZBJdV5
- crew.co – makers: crew.co/blog/collections/podcasts/
- Bench: blog.bench.co
- Live | Work: liveworkstudio.com/insight-home/
- Four Kitchens: fourkitchens.com/podcast/
- Mirum: mirumagency.com
- Crema: medium.com/ideas-by-crema
- Lyft: blog.lyft.com
- Work & Co: https://medium.com/@workandco
- Ueno: https://ueno.design/
- List of tech stacks: siftery.com
- Organization & Collaboration
- GSuite
- coda.io
- Fieldbook.com
- Airtable.com
- Podio.com
- Notion.io
- Quip.com
- Stripe: stripe.com/docs
- Pipedrive: blog.pipedrive.com
- Zapier API Course: zapier.com/learn/apis/
- Asana: blog.asana.com
- Zendesk: zendesk.com/blog/
- InVision: invisionapp.com/blog
- Salesforce: salesforce.com/blog
- Intercom: blog.intercom.com
- Harvest : getharvest.com/blog/
- AWS: aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws
- Google Cloud Platform Docs: cloud.google.com/docs/
- Grow App Docs: blog.grow.com
- Xero: xero.com/blog
- Hubspot: inbound.org
- Accelo: accelo.com/resources/blog
- Fullstory: Blog.fullstory.com
- Lucidchart Blog: lucidchart.com/blogPODCAST
Manuals & Courses
- AWS: aws.amazon.com/?nc2=h_lg
- Deluxe – small Biz: deluxe.com/small-business-revolution/across-america
- d.school: dschool.stanford.edu/resources
- General Assembly: theindex.generalassemb.ly
- ITIL Certification: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITIL
- Bench: bench.co/syllabus/
- Voice of the Customer: iise.org/ISEMagazine/details.aspx?id=44618
- Design Better: designbetter.co/design-systems-handbook
- Project Management for Humans: file:///Users/john/Downloads/ProjectManagementforHumans.pdf
- LAMP: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LAMP_(software_bundle)
- Mailchimp Syle Guide: styleguide.mailchimp.com
- Service Design: practicalservicedesign.com/service-design-101
- Project Templates: projecttimes.com/templates/project-management-templates.html
- Design Principles: github.com/benbrignell/principles.design/tree/master/_examples
- Paul Jarvis, Soloprenuer and Digital Agency: pjrvs.com
- Jason Fried, CEO Basecamp and Sustainable SaaS: medium.com/@jasonfried
- Leo Babuta, Simple living: zenhabits.com
- Natalie Semczuk, Project Manager: talkanatalka.com/
- Alan Kelly, Product Manager: allankellyassociates.co.uk
- Mechi Bazzan, Designer at Sripe: dribbble.com/mercedesbazan
- Reid Hoffman, Product Manager & Founder of LinkedIn: https://medium.com/@reidhoffman
- Chip Conley, Founder of Joi De Vivre and airbnb advisor: https://chipconley.com/blog/